How to Take Care of Your Running Shoes?


How to Take Care of Your Running Shoes?


Taking care of your running shoes is essential for their longevity and for your overall performance. Regularly cleaning and maintaining your shoes can save you money in the long run and time spent shopping for new pairs. This comprehensive guide will explore the best practices for caring for running shoes and cleaning them effectively, ensuring they remain comfortable and supportive throughout your journey. Whether you’re a seasoned marathon runner or just starting with casual jogs, these tips will help you take care of your shoes. also, read this: what are the best running shoes for men.

Start with the Right Fit

Having the right fit is the foundation of caring for your running shoes. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to discomfort, blisters, and even injuries. When shopping, consult an expert at your local sports store or specialty to find the perfect fit for your foot type. The right fit will enhance your running experience and extend the shoes’ lifespan.

Rotate Your Running Shoes

Frequent usage can wear down on running shoes quickly. To maximize their lifespan, consider having multiple pairs of running shoes and rotating them regularly. By alternating between pairs, you allow each shoe to fully decompress and recover between runs, reducing wear and tear.

Store Your Shoes Properly

Proper storage is often overlooked but can significantly impact the longevity of your running shoes. Avoid leaving them in a hot car or damp environment, as extreme temperatures and humidity can damage the materials and affect the cushioning and support. Instead, store your shoes in a cool, dry place with good ventilation.

Clean Your Running Shoes Regularly

Dirt, mud, and sweat can accumulate on running shoes after each run. Cleaning them regularly keeps them looking fresh and prevents bacteria buildup and foul odors. Gently remove dirt and debris with a soft brush or cloth before proceeding with a more thorough cleaning.

Hand Wash for Best Results

When it comes to cleaning your running shoes, hand washing is the preferred method. Using a mild detergent and warm water, gently scrub the upper and outsole of the shoes with a soft brush. Avoid using harsh chemicals or tossing them in the washing machine, which can damage the materials and reduce their effectiveness.

How to Take Care of Your Running Shoes?

Air Dry Properly

After cleaning, avoid using a dryer or direct heat source to dryer on running shoes. Instead, stuff them with newspaper or shoe trees to maintain their shape and allow them to air dry naturally at room temperature. This process might take a few hours but will protect the shoes’ integrity.

Replace Worn Outsoles

The outsoles of your running shoes take the brunt of the impact with every stride. Check the tread pattern regularly and look for signs of significant wear. If the outsoles appear smooth or uneven, it’s time for a replacement. Investing in resoling or new outsoles will prolong the life of your favorite good running shoes.

Address Odors Effectively

Over time, running shoes can develop unpleasant odors due to bacteria and sweat. Sprinkle baking soda inside your shoes after each run to combat this issue. Baking soda effectively absorbs moisture and neutralizes odors. You can also use odour-fighting insoles or shoe deodorizers.

Avoid Machine Drying

Never use a washing machine or dryer to clean or dry your running shoes. The agitating motion and high heat can damage the good runningshoe’s structure and cushioning. Always opt for gentle hand washing and natural air drying instead.

Protect Your Shoes from Water Damage

Excessive exposure to water can lead to premature wear and damage to your running shoes. Whenever possible, avoid running in heavy rain or wet conditions. If you get caught in the rain, allow your shoes to dry thoroughly before using them again.

Use Shoe Trees for Storage

Investing in shoe trees is a smart choice for maintaining the shape of your running shoes when they are not in use. Shoe trees help prevent creasing and keep the shoe’s structure, ensuring they stay supportive and comfortable over time.

Regularly Check for Signs of Wear

Inspect your running shoes regularly for signs of wear and tear. Look for fraying stitches, loose soles, or other damage that may compromise the shoe’s performance. Addressing these issues promptly can extend the shoes’ lifespan and prevent discomfort during runs.

Use a Soft Bristle Brush

When cleaning your running shoes, opt for a soft bristle brush to avoid scratching or damaging the material. A soft brush effectively removes dirt and grime without causing harm to the shoe’s surface.

Know When to Retire Your Shoes

No matter how well you care for running shoes, they will eventually wear out. As a general rule of thumb, most running shoes have a lifespan of 300-500 miles, depending on factors such as your running style and weight. Please pay attention to the cushioning and support. When they deteriorate significantly, it’s time to retire your shoes.

Avoid Leaving Shoes in Sunlight

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause the colours of your running shoes to fade and weaken the materials. Store your boots in a shaded area to protect them from harmful UV rays when not in use.

How to Take Care of Your Running Shoes?

Know Your Running Surface

Different surfaces can have varying impacts on your running shoes. Trail running, for example, can lead to quicker wear due to uneven terrain. Be mindful of your running surface and adjust your shoe rotation accordingly.

Remove Insoles for Cleaning

When cleaning your running shoes, please remove and clean the insoles separately. This ensures no dirt or moisture is trapped between the insole and the shoe, preventing bacterial growth and unpleasant odours.

Lace Properly

Lacing your shoes correctly provides a better fit and minimizes friction and potential wear on the eyelets. Various lacing techniques are designed for specific foot types and purposes, so find the one that suits you best.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

High temperatures can cause the glue and adhesives in your running shoes to break down, affecting their durability. Avoid leaving your shoes in a hot car or exposed to extreme heat.

Understand Your Foot Strike

Knowing your foot strike pattern can help you select the correct running shoes that cater to your needs. Choosing the appropriate shoe can extend its life if you have a neutral, overpronation, or underpronation foot strike.

Take care of the Midsole.

The midsole is critical to running shoes, providing cushioning and support. Avoid harsh cleaning agents that can damage the midsole’s foam material. Stick to gentle cleaning methods to preserve its effectiveness.

Wash Laces Separately

When cleaning your running shoes, remove the laces and wash them separately. This ensures thorough cleaning and prevents dirt from accumulating in the lace holes.

Address Stains Promptly

If your running shoes encounter stains, address them promptly to prevent permanent discolouration. Use a mild stain remover or a mixture of baking soda and water for stubborn stains.

Store Shoes in an Upright Position

Store your runner shoes’ shape and structural integrity upright when not used. Avoid folding or piling them with other items.

Use Proper Drying Techniques

Avoid direct heat sources such as radiators or hair dryers when drying on running shoes. High heat can warp the shoe’s materials and affect the overall fit. Also, read this: SYNTHETIC VS LEATHER, which is the best shoe fabric.


how long do running shoes last?

Running shoe life is between 300 to 500 miles and 500 to 800 kilometers.

how should running shoes fit?

The best size for a shoe is half a size up from your regular size because while running or during exercise your feet can swell

how often should you replace running shoes?

The best recommendation is to change your shoes to a maximum of 500 miles because shoes do not perform well after 300 miles and you can not get the best performance.


Caring for your running shoes is a small yet crucial investment that pays off in the long run. By following these expert tips, you can extend the lifespan of your running shoes, save money on replacements, and enjoy a more comfortable and optimized running experience. Remember to clean your shoes regularly, store them properly, and replace worn-out components when necessary. With proper care, your running shoes will continue supporting your running adventures for miles.

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